Ive thought about this idea for a long time but have always found it hard to describe to people. We view ourselves as separate and that goes for our souls too. We think that because our bodies are separate that our souls must be as well. Ive often thought that this might be wrong, or at least different from what we perceive. We feel separate from everything else but we are one and the same. We derive our consciousness from the same place. So if this is true then really the feeling you have of the being inside you is the same inside me and the next guy. We are all exactly the same being only in separate bodies with separate life stories. We go our whole lives becoming so different from one another we have started failing to see the likenesses.
The feeling of love is the feeling that brings us closer to ourselves. When we sit in nature and view it with love we start to realize through feeling that we are a part of nature and nature is a part of us. Fear is the feeling of separateness. It breeds depression, violence and survival instincts. The need to try very hard to survive because you forget who you are. We give ourselves the gift of forgetting who we are because its the yin to the yang. We need the glass to be half empty and half full. This is the core idea behind why Buddhists say to love the good people and the bad. The ones who live in sadness have forgotten the way of the light.
Very interesting stuff.
Followed the link from Youtube.
i typed in"we are all the same person,"just as a shot in the dark.i have pondered this concept for years,always thinking that it was an original idea.then i get 64,ooo,ooo results.perhaps there ARE like like minded people out there.
I too recently came to this realization about a year ago, but have pretty much kept it to myself because I erroneously thought I was by myself. It had something to do with scientists discovering that there really is no "person peering out of the window", the so called I. With genes controlling our physical appearances with through constant re-combination, and different experiences, we only have the illusion that we are all different. When we interact with another person, we are actually interacting with our own self, another facet of our own self. Hmmmm!
Is this Oneness the next level, check this out it is a site I am putting together, it isnt spam or trying to sell anything. If you actually read it, not skim it but read it, you will see what I am talking about with oneness http://brownskinwife.yolasite.com/
Peace and we are all one :)
This might interest you.
i was sitting in class today and it just hit me out of nowhere, i can feel how were all the same person. its like we act the same way inside and we feel the same things but because of our diferent lives we choose to bring out just one part of who we are and we hide the rest.
am i in the right path here??
All this Oneness is, is 3 Dimensions of Awareness, here http://christishere.yolasite.com/awareness.php
I AM. We will not understand this until we are one. All are one. You cannot have 2,000,000 without 1,000,000 and this number would not have been possible without 2. Therefore all existence is impossible without 1. The space between you and I is not empty. These particles keep us connected in this 3 dimensional realm. When the pieces come together you will see. Until then, do not be manipulated by your environment. Love for others is impossible without love for 1. Let love envelop you, let it then flow outward so that all may know I AM. Fractal universe is not accurate. Fractal consciousness, unevenly partitioned identity, in the higher dimensions we are closer to I, in the last I AM. Remember?
I AM apart, this is why the golden rule is important in 3D. I want to be good to me, treat others as I want to be treated because I AM. All religions use the golden rule, this is because every religion was represented by a teacher who remembered a piece of who I AM. Lose the shroud, lose the illusion, I am you, you are we, we are they, they are I. I AM.
Finally I found this idea is not just mine...
I had been feeling this idea since i was 6 but not until this year did I really sit and think about it after a very strange acid trip at a very strange place in a strange time in my life. I had fell down a strange ranting fit and eery trippy weirdoness til I was with my friend on my bed which was a lifeboat and I looked him in the eyes and said...I am you...and you are me...and he felt it too. After this trip I thought about it over and over and it made more sense and everything started connecting...I'm glad too see many people feeling this idea and want to learn more and more and more
Yup, that happened to me too, but with a cat and not a person. It was strange, but ever since that moment my respect for life and fellow sentient beings increased exponentially and the golden rule really stood out as the most defining common sense guideline laid our before mankind. I don't believe in religion but I do believe we are all a part of one universal consciousness. The reason why there is more conflict than peace is that this consciousness has been fractured and is amnesiac. There is always a maelstrom of emotion when trying to reconcile so many differences. However, truth be told, difference is an illusion. Dark skin, light skin, it matters not what form it takes as it is matter. Negativity, positivity, it matters not as it is matter in motion. I AM.
so like if we all reincarnate like
and we are suppose to evolve.. is it possible that we will keep reincarnating until we all become somehow connected?
cause I don't like the idea if taking on anyone thoughts at ALL ever even if I reincarnate and I don't know I hate it and somehow become convinced I swear here and now ill kill everyone also if you kill everything and keep it from reincarnating will you become complete??? hmm?? I think SO HA:D
haaaAah I think
so ha fuck you FUCK EVERYTHING, but me :P bite me EVERYONE
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